I can't understand that part of the code - how to rewrite this to if-s and else? Especially the partthis.map1?.containsKey(custom_object__c?.workflow_status__c)

List<custom_object_2__c> listofSettngs = this.map1?.containsKey(custom_object__c?.workflow_status__c) ? this.map1?.get(custom_object__c?.workflow_status__c) : new List<custom_object_2__c>();
  • partthis.map1?.containsKey(custom_object__c?.workflow_status__c) is a condition that should go inside an IF statement
    – Raul
    Commented Jun 23, 2022 at 9:46

2 Answers 2


?. is the Safe Navigation Operator (SNO), which is used to return a null safely when a NullPointerException would occur. We can break it apart to make it easier to read:

List<custom_object_2__c> listofSettngs = this.map1
    ? this.map1?.get(custom_object__c?.workflow_status__c) 
    : new List<custom_object_2__c>();

This logic is incorrect. If the key has a null value, you won't end up with a new list. In other words, if the goal of this code is to always have a non-null result, it will fail if the map contains a null value for that key.

In addition, if this.map1?.containsKey is true, the this.map1?.get is unnecessarily paranoid. Alternatively, if custom_object__c is null, then you'd be trying to retrieve the null key, which might be unintentional.

Further, null isn't the same as false in Apex, so if the map was null, you'll still get a NullPointerException, because a condition must still be true or false, and not null.

The more appropriate version for this code would be:

custom_object_2__c[] listOfSettings =
if(listOfSettings == null) {
  listOfSettings = new custom_object_2__c[0];

If map1 cannot be null, you can skip the first SNO, and if the parameter won't be null, you can skip the second SNO. Either way, we can cut out the containsKey, which is just a wasted check, since we're interested in making sure we don't end up with a null value after we're done.

Related answer.


In If else world this will look like:

if(map1 != null && map1.containsKey(custom_object__c) && map1.get(custom_object__c) != null){
    listofSettngs = map1.get(custom_object__c).workflow_status__c;
} else {
    listofSettngs = new List<custom_object_2__c>();
  • Adding to Nagendra answer "?." is "safe navigation operator" which is used for null check that's why in answer map1.get(custom_object__c) !=null is checked
    – Elijah
    Commented Jun 23, 2022 at 10:47
  • The containsKey is not necessary here, as I explain in this answer. Retrieving a non-existent key with get does not throw an exception. There's also a logic bug involved here.
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Jun 23, 2022 at 10:53
  • Correct. @sfdcfox. Null check is more than enough. I just converted the above ternary operator to if else. Commented Jun 23, 2022 at 11:14
  • @sfdcfox : For sharing how containsKey is not necessary. I was not aware of it at all
    – Elijah
    Commented Jun 23, 2022 at 13:34

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