I have working to convert the workflow into flow for the below scenario.
But Am not sure, Why its not triggering, where I done the mistakes and why its hanging to trigger the flow. Please see the scenario below and help me to get the result.
Objects : Case and email message.
The scenario was, whenever the email "To address" is equals to [email protected] (sample) , "Status" is equals to New and incoming equals True in email message object and Brand in case object is equals to MCDonald's means that case should moves to expected queue. I mean that case owner ID should update the expected queue name on that case.
So I setup the below condition in flow based on the requirements. But its does not works.
Condition : (Object : email message)
Email = [email protected]
Status = New
Incoming = True
Condition : (Object : Case)
Brand = MCDonald's
Need to Update values : ( Object : Case)
Owner ID : Sample queue.
I created the "Record Triggered flow" with entry conditions and related with ID for email message and Case. But am not aware still where I pending to add the required elements in the flow. Please anyone review and guide me to complete this flow.
caseId isNull false
so you filter out non-E2C incoming emails. Otherwise, this looks fine. What does Flow debug look like? Use edit - no comments please