I have a flow that cancels an Orchestration, it works when run as an administrative user.
When I run as a non administrative user, it produces the following error even when the flow is set in system context:
"Error Occurred: The flow tried to update these records: 0jEr0000000GnEdEAK. This error occurred: INVALID_ACCESS_LEVEL: You can't cancel this orchestration because you don't have access to the Orchestration Run object. Your Salesforce admin can help with that.. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide."
On https://developer.salesforc... it says : "You can’t define a new sharing rule that provides less access than the specified org-wide default"
Doesn't make sense to me since its an enablement, since I cant grant access to the object to users directly.
Per a related recommendation of a user on SFXD I tried: Creating a Platform Event, to trigger an Async process which ran the subflow in system context.
This did not work either for non administrative users.