Hi everybody I am creating a LWC form component I am only asking to the user a String and then I pass his information to a apex class through the wire decorator. the info that the apex class returns me is the Id of the created record because I want to use the NavigationMixin.GenerateUrl and ShowToastEvent to show the url of the new record. But when I am going to use the form in Salesforce in the google console shows me that the variable where I am storing the info from the wire does not exist when I have declared it.
My apex class .cls
public with sharing class UAN_MiEntregable {
//@AuraEnabled permite especificar que este metodo se va a llamar desde un componente LWC
public static Id createNewRecord(string nombreDeCompanero){
Mi_entregable__c nuevoEntregable = new Mi_entregable__c();
List<Mi_entregable__c> lista = new List<Mi_entregable__c>();
nuevoEntregable.NombreCompanero__c = nombreDeCompanero;
insert lista;
return nuevoEntregable.Id;
}catch(Exception ex) {
throw new AuraHandledException(ex.getMessage());
My .js
@wire(createNewRecord, {nombreDeCompanero: '$nombreCompanero'})
wiredInfo({ error, data }) {
if (data) {
this.idEntregable = data;
type: 'standard__recordPage',
attributes: {
recordId: idEntregable.id ,
actionName: 'view',
}).then( url =>{
new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Success',
message: 'Actividad creada con éxito accede a ella desde aquí -->: {0}',
messageData: [{
label: 'here'
I don´t know where is my mistake. Could anybody tell me? Thanks