I am wanting to get the Record Id when a user selects a record. I store this in a @api propery. I would like this Id so I can use the wire service getRecord to retrieve some fields and then I can pre popluate them on the ui.
<template if:true={displayParentOpp}> <!-- only show if user meets pre conditions -->
<lightning-record-edit-form object-api-name="Opportunity">
<lightning-input-field id="parentOpp" required variant="Neutral" field-name="Parent_OpportunityId__c"
value={parentOppSelected} onchange={handleParentOppSelectedChange}>
@api parentOppSelected;
handleParentOppSelectedChange(event) {
//how to get Parent Opp Id?
this.parentOppSelected = event.detail.value;
@wire(getRecord, { recordId: '$parentOppId', fields: fields })
account({ error, data }) {
if (data) {
} else if (error) {
Below is the console log when the parent opp is selected. I am unsure how to retrieve the record Id from here