I have written an apex sharing class and trying to invoke it with a trigger but I am getting error as "Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void shareMEUEnrollmentWithUsers(List<MEU_Enrollment__c>) from the type shareMEUEnrollment." Why it is showing error?Please help.
trigger shareMEUEnrollmentTrigger1 on MEU_Enrollment__c (before insert, after insert, before update, after update) {
if(trigger.isbefore || trigger.isafter){
if(trigger.isinsert || trigger.isupdate){
Apex Class
public without sharing class shareMEUEnrollment {
public static void shareMEUEnrollmentWithUsers(List<ID> recordId) {
List<MEU_Enrollment__Share> enrolExistingSharingList = [select id from MEU_Enrollment__Share where id in : recordId and RowCause = 'Manual'];
if(enrolExistingSharingList.size() > 0) {
delete enrolExistingSharingList ;
List<MEU_Enrollment__c> enrolList = [select id, Owner.Id from MEU_Enrollment__c where id in : recordId ];
Set<Id> OwnerIdSet = new Set<Id>();
for(MEU_Enrollment__c l : enrolList) {
List<User> userIdList = [select id, contact.Id from user where id in : OwnerIdSet];
List<id> contactIdSet = new List<id>();
Map<id,id> contactUserMap = new Map<id,id>();
for(User u : userIdList) {
contactUserMap.put(u.id, u.Contact.Id);
Map<Id, Id> enrolContactMap = new Map<Id,Id>();
for(MEU_Enrollment__c l : enrolList) {
enrolContactMap.put(l.id, contactUserMap.get(l.Owner.Id));
List<Contact> agentContactsList = [select id, Account.ParentId from Contact where id in :contactIdSet ];
Set<Id> parentAccountId = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id,Id> contactAccountMap = new Map<Id, Id>();
for(Contact con : agentContactsList ) {
if(con.Account.ParentId!=null) {
Map<id, List<Contact>> accountAdminsMap = new Map<Id,List<Contact>>();
List<Contact> adminsList = new List<Contact>();
Set<Id> adminContactId = new Set<Id>();
for(Contact c : [select id,AccountId from Contact where accountid in : parentAccountId]) {
accountAdminsMap.put(c.AccountId, adminsList);
Map<id,List<Contact>> enrolAdminsMap = new Map<Id,List<Contact>>();
for(MEU_Enrollment__c l : enrolList) {
enrolAdminsMap.put(l.id, accountAdminsMap.get(contactAccountMap.get(enrolContactMap.get(l.id))));
Map<id,id> adminContactUserMap = new Map<id,id>();
//map to store the mapping of admin contact id and corresponding user id
for(User u : [select id,contactid from user where contactid in : adminContactId]) {
List<MEU_Enrollment__Share> enrolShareNew = new List<MEU_Enrollment__Share>();
for(MEU_Enrollment__c l : enrolList) {
if(enrolAdminsMap.get(l.id) != null) {
for(Contact c : enrolAdminsMap.get(l.id)) {
if(adminContactUserMap.get(c.id) != null ) {
MEU_Enrollment__Share ls = new MEU_Enrollment__Share();
ls.ParentId = l.id ;
ls.AccessLevel = 'Edit' ;
ls.UserorGroupId = adminContactUserMap.get(c.id);
System.debug('enrolShareNew : ' + enrolShareNew);
System.debug('Total enrolShareNew : ' + enrolShareNew.size());
try {
catch(Exception ex) {
System.debug('Exceptiom is " '+ex.getMessage());
public static void shareMEURecords(List<ID> leadIds) {
try {
//Share enrollment records to lead owner and respective GA Admins
List<MEU_Enrollment__Share> enrollShareList = new List<MEU_Enrollment__Share>();
enrollShareList.addAll( prepareEnrollmentShare(leadIds) );
if(!enrollShareList.isEmpty() && enrollShareList.size() > 0) {
catch(exception e) {
String commentStr = 'Line Number and Exception Message : \n';
commentStr = commentStr + 'Line Number - ' + e.getLineNumber() + '\n';
commentStr = commentStr + 'Error Message : ' + e.getMessage();
Apex_Debug_Log__c logRecord = new Apex_Debug_Log__c();
logRecord.Class__c = 'shareMEUEnrollment';
logRecord.Comment__c = commentStr;
logRecord.Message__c = 'Stack Trace Error Message - ' + e.getStackTraceString();
logRecord.Method__c = 'execute';
logRecord.Status__c = 'Error';
insert logRecord;
system.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - shareMEURecords - Error - commentStr : ' + commentStr);
public static List<MEU_Enrollment__Share> prepareEnrollmentShare(List<ID> leadIds) {
System.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - prepareEnrollmentShare - Method Entry - leadIds : ' + leadIds);
List<Group> queueList = [ Select Id, Name, DeveloperName From Group Where Type = 'Queue' And DeveloperName = 'CMC_Internal_Queue' Limit 1];
String cmcInternalQueueId = queueList.get(0).Id;
MEU_Enrollment__Share enrShare = new MEU_Enrollment__Share();
Set<Id> enrollmentIds = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id, String> queueMap = new Map<Id, String>();
Map<Id, Id> mapLeadOwnerIds = new Map<Id, Id>();
Map<Id, Id> mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds = new Map<Id, Id>();
List<MEU_Enrollment__Share> enrollShareList = new List<MEU_Enrollment__Share>();
List<MEU_Enrollment__c> enrollmentList = new List<MEU_Enrollment__c>();
List<Lead> leadList = [Select Id, Name, OwnerId, (Select Id, Name, Lead__c, OwnerId From MEU_Enrollments__r)
From lead Where Id In :leadIds];
if(leadList.size() > 0) {
for(Lead ld : leadList) {
mapLeadOwnerIds.put(ld.Id, ld.OwnerId);
System.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - prepareEnrollmentShare - enrollmentList : ' + enrollmentList);
//Get the GA Admin Queue Id
mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds.putAll( getGaAdminQueues(leadList, mapLeadOwnerIds) );
System.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - prepareEnrollmentShare - mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds : ' + mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds);
if(enrollmentList.size() > 0) {
for(MEU_Enrollment__c enr : enrollmentList) {
//Delete all existing share records
List<MEU_Enrollment__Share> existingEnrollShareList = [Select Id From MEU_Enrollment__Share Where ParentId In :enrollmentIds
and RowCause = 'Manual' And UserorGroupId <> :cmcInternalQueueId];
System.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - prepareEnrollmentShare - existingEnrollShareList : ' + existingEnrollShareList);
if(!existingEnrollShareList.isEmpty() && existingEnrollShareList.size() > 0) {
delete existingEnrollShareList;
//Prepare new enrollment share list
if(enrollmentList.size() > 0) {
for(MEU_Enrollment__c enr : enrollmentList) {
System.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - Enrollment Name : ' + enr.Name);
//Share the record to Lead Owner
enrShare = new MEU_Enrollment__Share();
enrShare.ParentId = enr.Id;
enrShare.AccessLevel = 'Edit';
enrShare.RowCause = 'Manual';
enrShare.UserorGroupId = mapLeadOwnerIds.get(enr.Lead__c);
System.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - Share Record with Leads current owner - ' + enr.Name + ' - ' + enrShare);
//Share the record to GA Admin (while lead owner changed to Agent)
if(mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds.containsKey(enr.Lead__c) && String.isNotBlank(mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds.get(enr.Lead__c)) ) {
enrShare = new MEU_Enrollment__Share();
enrShare.ParentId = enr.Id;
enrShare.AccessLevel = 'Edit';
enrShare.RowCause = 'Manual';
enrShare.UserorGroupId = mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds.get(enr.Lead__c);
if(! enrollShareList.contains(enrShare)) {
System.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - (To Admin) Share Record for ' + enr.Name + ' - ' + enrShare);
System.debug('@@@shareMEUEnrollment - prepareEnrollmentShare - Method Exit - enrollShareList : ' + enrollShareList);
return enrollShareList;
public static Map<Id, Id> getGaAdminQueues(List<Lead> leadList, Map<Id, Id> mapLeadOwnerIds) {
String agencyName = '';
Set<String> queueNameSet = new Set<String>();
Map<String, String> agencyQueueNameMap = new Map<String, String>();
Map<String, String> agencyQueueIdMap = new Map<String, String>();
Map<String, String> userAgencyMap = new Map<String, String>();
Map<Id, Id> mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds = new Map<Id, Id>();
List<User> userList = [Select Id, Name, Department From User Where Id In :mapLeadOwnerIds.values()];
if(!userList.isEmpty() && userList.size() > 0) {
for(User u : userList) {
userAgencyMap.put(u.Id, u.Department);
List<Agency_Queue_Detail__mdt> agencyQueueList = [Select Label, DeveloperName, Queue_Label__c, Queue_Name__c
From Agency_Queue_Detail__mdt
Where Is_Agency_Active__c = true ];
//system.debug('agencyQueueList : '+agencyQueueList);
for(Agency_Queue_Detail__mdt aq : agencyQueueList){
agencyQueueNameMap.put(aq.Label, aq.Queue_Name__c);
List<Group> grpDetailList = [ Select Id, Name, DeveloperName From Group Where Type = 'Queue' AND DeveloperName In :queueNameSet ];
for(Group grp : grpDetailList){
agencyQueueIdMap.put(grp.DeveloperName, grp.Id);
for(Lead ld : leadList) {
agencyName = '';
agencyName = userAgencyMap.get(ld.OwnerId);
mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds.put(ld.Id, agencyQueueIdMap.get(agencyQueueNameMap.get(agencyName)));
return mapLeadGaAdminQueueIds;