I'm getting this error when I insert more than one record into an custom object that has a record-triggered Flow. Flow calls an invocable method to do parse multipicklist values. here's my invocable method:

global class GetVehicleType
    public static List<List<String>> getVehicleType(List<myObject__c> myObj) 
        List<List<String>> ListVehicleType = new List<List<String>>();
        List<String> VehicleType = new List<String>();
        for(myObject__c obj : myObj)
            if(obj.VehicleType__c != null)
       return ListVehicleType;

Does anyone know what am I doing wrong ? Thanks !

1 Answer 1


You're not reinitializing the List<String> for each iteration, which is probably causing the problem:

global class GetVehicleType {
    public static List<List<String>> getVehicleType(List<myObject__c> myObj) {
        List<List<String>> ListVehicleType = new List<List<String>>();
        for(myObject__c obj : myObj) {
            // Initialize for every loop
            List<String> VehicleType = new List<String>();
            if(obj.VehicleType__c != null) {
       return ListVehicleType;
  • it works, thank you Commented May 10, 2022 at 12:22

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