I need to see whatever the visitor clicked or done over my community site. So , I researched and found out that it can be done via cookies, but not sure how to implement it. Can anyone please help or suggest. Thanks a ton for the help in advance!!
1Hi, welcome to SFSE. Please take a tour and read How to Ask. Could you please share with us something that you have already tried? It's not exactly a duplicate but maybe this question would show you a proper direction: Salesforce Community - Can we use cookies to only show a visitor a popup once?– Przemysław Długoszewski-TamońCommented Apr 29, 2022 at 6:52
Hi @PrzemysławDługoszewski-Tamoń , Since I mentioned I couldn't find how to do it so how will I mention what I have tried? I have only found that we can do it through cookies.– ReneCommented Apr 29, 2022 at 7:18
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1 Answer
You can try the following for the base level reporting. You can try using other webanalytical tools integrated with your sites. However, it is better to use google one.
For flow level user tracking the following reports will help you.
Flow level reporting