• I created a journey with Salesforce data as entry source.
  • The Salesforce data is based on new opportunity object creation and account is the entity who got injected to the journey.
  • How to write an Ampscript to get the opportunity ID that trigger the journey?
  • I usually use retrievesalesforceobject with subscriberkey to get lead/contact data, but in this case, I am not sure how to get the opportunity ID

Thank you for your time

1 Answer 1


I did perform searches but was unable to find the answer, but now I found two similar threads

The answer is Set @OpportunityId = Opportunity:Id.

You can also find the Data Extension created for your Salesforce Data Entry Event at Email Studio -> Subscribers -> Data Extensions and check out the column name containing the required data (e.g. SalesforceObjectName__c:RelatedObject__r:Fieldname


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