In Apex, how do I implement the webhook verification from Ironclad described here?
Their example uses Node.js and basically boils down to this:
const isValid = crypto
// The data to be verified is a concatenation of eventId, nonce, and the request body
.verify(publicKey, signature, encoding);
return isValid;
Here is what I'm running in anonymous apex attempting to replicate the above:
String publicKey = //'-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----' + // encoded in PEM format
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' +
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' +
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' +
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // + '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----';
String eventId = 'webhookEventxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
String encoding = 'base64';
String signAlgorithm = 'RSA-SHA256'; // Ironclad returns sha256
String nonce = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
String signature = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=';
String body = '{' +
'"companyID": "605b9829cdd37d296123f4b4",' +
'"payload": {' +
'"event": "workflow_launched",' +
'"templateID": "6063ac9e01a5542dafa3722b",' +
'"workflowID": "611fbd699f4a33b41d9f8295"' +
'},' +
'"webhookID": "611fb96cb670f852d58db210"' +
Boolean verified = Crypto.verify(
Blob.valueOf(eventId + nonce + body),
I recognize that there are multiple areas where this test sample could be failing, including the formatting of the JSON body. But is the set up of the Crypto.verify()
method correct?