i create headless quick action. My action attach pdf with name 'Test Attachment for PDF'. I want name pdf file from Invoice_number__c - its a custom field (auto_number) on opportunity object. how i can do this?
Hello Bogdan. Do you use aura component or LWC? Also I would suggest to pass the recordId to the controller method– Alin ParaschivCommented Feb 2, 2022 at 8:20
Hello Alin, thank you for your reply. I create visual force page with custom controller. I use Lightning Web Component in headless quick action. Can u say me how i can do it in recordId? I add headless quick action for my quastion– BogdanCommented Feb 2, 2022 at 8:53
Honestly it's hard to really find an answer, even when seeing your full code. I can see you have a variable declared as public Opportunity opportunity {get; set;}. Theoretically that should be what you use to display data on the front-end. Also in your VF page button that triggers the action you should pass the opportunity.Id as a parameter so that you have access to it in the savePDF() method. And also I don't understand why you didn't used the Visualforce renderAs="pdf" functionality and you have to mix it with LWC.– Alin ParaschivCommented Feb 3, 2022 at 6:30
@AlinParaschiv thanks, I used headless quick action (LWC) because I need to generate a pdf file and bind it to an object. If I do just RenderPdf, even though I have it written in code, but if I remove the LWC, I can only view my VisualForce page without linking the pdf document to the Opportunity object.– BogdanCommented Feb 3, 2022 at 8:28
you can do it with VF as well, but fine, can you also add the code for your VF page?– Alin ParaschivCommented Feb 3, 2022 at 9:27
1 Answer
Try the following. Edit your generateInvoice.js-meta.xml to include the following target:
Save and deploy to SF.
Create a new Lightning Page in Lightning App Builder and copy the api(you will need it later). I'm guessing it's going to be generate_Invoice
Create a new detail page button with the following url
Note: you have to add the c__ prefix to the parameter of oppId in order to be able to pass it. Also generate_Invoice is the api from the Lightning page.
In your lwc add the following pieces of code in order to retrieve the oppId:
Import the page reference
import { CurrentPageReference} from 'lightning/navigation';
Remove @api from recordId
recordId;//remove @api decorator
Add the following wire function that retrieves the oppId parameter from your URL
getStateParameters(currentPageReference) {
if (currentPageReference) {
this.recordId = currentPageReference.state.c__oppId;
yes, no need to add the prefix there. I wanted to emphasize that you need to add it in the button url and here:
this.recordId = currentPageReference.state.c__oppId;
Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 13:11 -
it's fine under the recordId variable. What that error says is that you have not imported the wire decorator. Just add wire in your first import on the page
import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 13:24 -
ah yes. My bad, I forgot to mention one part. I will edit the original response to include that too Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 14:17