I have created a custom action that sets a date/time field to "NOW()" when the user hits save.
The user is in PST time zone.
The user hits save, the date/time field is updated to 1:30PM for them.
When I look at that field it says 5:30PM.
This is great....it makes sense and is what we want.
The problem is in the backend, Salesforce is saying the time is 9:30PM because I believe they store everything in UTC.
The problem is need to use this field to pass that date/time value to a 3rd party app and if the user in PST enters it at 4:30PST, we can't have it be entered as the next day in the 3rd party app which is what is happening now because it PST is 8 hours behind UTC.
Any suggestions as to how I can ensure that the proper time is sent? Please note that we are in Canada and will only be dealing with PST through to AST.