I migrated the MarketingCloudSDK from Version 7.5.1 to Version 8.0.0.
For some reason the buttons of the In App Messages are not handled anymore. The problem is that the delegate sfmc_handle(_ url: URL, type: String)
is not getting called.
I set the url handling delegate SFMCSdk.mp.setURLHandlingDelegate(self)
after the SDK was successfully configured.
let completionHandler: (OperationResult) -> Void = { result in
if result == .success {
Also I confirm to the URLHandlingDelegate
extension SalesforceConfigurator: URLHandlingDelegate {
func sfmc_handle(_ url: URL, type: String) {
print("Debug: sfmc_handle url")
This worked before with the SDK Version 7.5.1. However, with the SDK Version 8.0.0 the delegate is not getting called if I click any of the buttons.
In the journey builder my setup looks like this.
Is there something else I need to configure or change?
Any help would be highly appreciated!