I need a process to update an sObject name, I tried doing this only with a flow, but the related objects did not update the name of this object.
The Name of the sObject is 'Cost Center'
The user (through a Screen Flow) should be able to pick a 'Cost Center' and write down the new name for the selected Cost Center.
I've changed the name from "Sunday Morning People" to "Sunday Morning Cats" with a flow but...
The original object changed its name successfuly:
But when you open a record where this name is represented this field does not change:
So I decided to do this with process builder, but I still need the screen.
How can I call a process from a flow and then go back to the screen flow?
I'm kinda stuck.
Edit: If this is possible with a flow only or with subflows its okay as well.
The sObject 'Cost Center' doesnt do much, there are around 30 instances of this. And what makes the name is unique for each one. The related sObject Story, has a field called CostCenter__c, its a Picklist (Multi-Select) which is a Global Value Set (this is a list of all the cost centers).