We want to give some of our Digital Experience users the ability to download CSV versions of datasets we create in Tableau CRM. There is a way to allow this using the dashboard component share functionality, but we can only seem to allow download as PNG (which is not quite what we want).
We have followed the following steps to make dashboards available in our Digital Experience. https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.bi_app_communities.htm&type=5
Then we followed these steps to allow Digital Experience Users to download dashboard or Lens data in CSV or Excel format. https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.bi_setup_download_enable.htm&type=5
However, I can only get an option to download a PNG image of the dashboard, as per this Stack Exchange post. However, I am also expecting the Download As CSV link. How can I make this option appear? Why can't I download a Dashboard as a CSV or Excel file?
The below is a duplicate of my question, so it seems. I was not allowed to post any comments so it was suggested I create a new question instead.