I am planning to do a POC on salesforce.com functions. i registered for SFDC trial org for functions and i am trying to create a compute environment as mentioned below trying to run the command

sf env create compute -o MyScratchOrgAlias -a MyComputeEnv

from Terminal in MS Visualstudio code

Error is thrown that sf : The term 'sf' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

Could you please help me if i am missing any steps?

I am pasting below link from documentation and section of create a compute environment


Create a Compute Environment

After creating the scratch org, create a Salesforce compute environment that's associated with the scratch org. Your functions deploy to this compute environment.

sf env create compute -o MyScratchOrgAlias -a MyComputeEnv -o Alias of the org the compute environment is connected to. -a Alias for the newly created compute environment.

1 Answer 1


npm install sfdx-cli@latest-rc -g after running this command issue is resolved.

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