so I'm migrating a visualforce component into LWC. In that component, there is a table rendered, and a lot of columns are rendered differently depending on data field values and/or some other condition regarding a property in the controller. This is, for example, something I have to convert:
<apex:column headerValue="{!$Label.erpvs__consultastockproductos_2}" styleClass="td_number" headerClass="td_number">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!producto.saldoStockFisico.Cantidad__c != 0 && mapProductoHasUbicaciones[] == true}">
<apex:commandLink onclick="abrirDetalle4('');setarValor('{!}');" action="{!cargarPopup4}" rerender="refresh7,refresh8" ><apex:outputField value="{!producto.saldoStockFisico.Cantidad__c}" /></apex:commandLink>
<apex:outputField value="{!producto.saldoStockFisico.Cantidad__c}" rendered="{!producto.saldoStockFisico.Cantidad__c == 0 || mapProductoHasUbicaciones[] == false}"/>
The outputPanel condition, for example:
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!producto.saldoStockFisico.Cantidad__c != 0 && mapProductoHasUbicaciones[] == true}">
This outputPanel should be rendered based on two things. The value of the "Cantidad__c" field of the item being rendered, and also, if the value of the "mapProductoHasUbicaciones" property (defined in the apex controller) corresponding to that item, is true.
In my LWC, I did not use a lightning-datatable, but I wrote a normal table using lsds table classes. For each item, i render a row, and I can define if:true statements for simple conditions but I can't make a combination of item field values and conditions related to properties of my javascript controller.
So for example, if I have this in my HTML:
<!-- if ammount != 0 && mapHasUbicaciones[] == true -->
<a href="#" onclick={openPopup4}>{producto.fisico}</a>
<!-- if ammount == 0 || mapHasUbicaciones[] == false -->
<div class="slds-truncate">{producto.fisico}</div>
If both conditions were related to a field of the item, I could easily add a boolean getter in my custom js class for the items, and thats that. But, the second condition complicates the matter. I can't make a getter in my JS controller because I can't access my item field value, and I can't make a getter in my item js class because I can't access the map (that is located in my JS controller).
So is there a way to access the map from my item's js class, or access my item from my js controller? A getter can't receive parameters. So how could I identify which item it is?