When retrieving Translations the docs say, the returned Metadata

only include translations for the other metadata types referenced in package.xml

Source: Translations | Metadata API Developer Guide

This behavior seems to be true for Sandboxes, Production Orgs and Developer Editions.

However there seems to be another behavior for Scratch Orgs:

We get the full content of the Translations regardless if we

  • request the Translations alone (sfdx force:source:retrieve -m Translations:en_US)
  • or in combination with other Metadata such as CustomLabel (sfdx force:source:retrieve -m Translations:en_US,CustomLabel:VAT_Number).

For Profiles (with CustomFields) the behavior is similar.

I created a minimum reproduction to compare the retrieval from a Scratch Org vs. a Developer Edition: https://github.com/mdapi-issues/retrieve-behavior-scratch-org. Further I've retrieved using a package.xml and the Salesforce Workbench, leading to the same result.

Is this behavior documented somewhere or is there any trick to make it work in Scratch Orgs as documented?

1 Answer 1


Found the answer in the Salesforce DX Developer Guide Retrieve and Pull Changes to Profiles with Source Tracking:

Retrieving and pulling profiles behaves a little differently with source tracking.


With source tracking, retrieving profiles returns profile information pertaining to anything else specified in the package.xml file plus any components getting tracked by source tracking.

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