I am using the LookupOrderedRows function in an email to pull in Apartment information such as Address, Number of Guests, Available Date, and Price.
The issue is that in some instances, the function doesn't call in the correct data and I don't understand how that's possible, since in the majority of cases the data is correct.
For example, you can see in the images attached that the Month Date is incorrect ("0ar" should be "Mär") and there are single-digit prices on the apartments (the Wilhelminenhofstrasse apartment should be €1916 instead of €2).
I need to understand why the function is serving up incorrect information and why it's inconsistent.
Has anyone else experienced LookupOrderedRows behaving inconsistently like this or could there be something in my script that I am doing wrong?
and here's one that displays the correct info:
Here's an example of one of the LookupOrderedRows AMPscript that pulls in apartments of a certain price range. There are many other price range scripts that are exactly the same as this, but are referencing a different price range Filtered Data Extension.
var @rows, @row, @rowCount, @numRowsToReturn, @lookupValue, @i,
set @lookupValue = AttributeValue("Pre_Platform_Inquiry__c:Apartment__r:City__c") /* value from attribute or DE column in send context */
set @lookupValue2 = '1' /* value from attribute or DE column in send context */
set @code_from_de = AttributeValue("Pre_Platform_Inquiry__c:Apartment__r:Code__c")
set @MonthlyRent__c = AttributeValue("Pre_Platform_Inquiry__c:Apartment__r:Price__c")
set @numRowsToReturn = 3 /* 0 means all, max 2000 */
set @rows = LookupOrderedRows("Filter_Available_Apartments_1500_1600",@numRowsToReturn,"Price__c, Code__c, Street__c, Postal_Code__c, CurrencyIsoCode, Country_Code__c, Homelike_ID__c, Cover_picture__c, Number_of_allowed_residents__c, Number_of_bedrooms__c, Number_of_bathrooms__c, Enabled_Booking_Modes__c, Cancellation_Flexibility__c, Security_Deposit__c, Available_From__c,","City__c", @lookupValue,"Number_of_bedrooms__c",@lookupValue2)
set @rowCount = rowcount(@rows)
if @rowCount > 0 AND @code_from_de != @Code__c then
for @i = 1 to @rowCount do
set @row = row(@rows,@i) /* get row based on counter */
set @Code__c = field(@row,"Code__c")
set @Street__c = field(@row,"Street__c")
set @Postal_Code__c = field(@row,"Postal_Code__c")
set @Country_Code__c = field(@row,"Country_Code__c")
set @City__c = field(@row,"City__c")
set @Homelike_ID__c = field(@row,"Homelike_ID__c")
set @Price__c = field(@row,"Price__c")
set @Cover_picture__c = field(@row,"Cover_picture__c")
set @Number_of_allowed_residents__c = field(@row,"Number_of_allowed_residents__c")
set @Number_of_bedrooms__c = field(@row,"Number_of_bedrooms__c")
set @Number_of_bathrooms__c = field(@row,"Number_of_bathrooms__c")
set @Enabled_Booking_Modes__c = field(@row,"Enabled_Booking_Modes__c")
set @CurrencyIsoCode = field(@row,"CurrencyIsoCode")
set @policy = field(@row,"Cancellation_Flexibility__c")
set @deposit = field(@row,"Security_Deposit__c")
set @Available_From__c = field(@row,"Available_From__c")
Plus here's the price and date scripts:
/*-- apartment price --*/
IF EMPTY(@Price__c) THEN
SET @aptpricecalc = "0"
SET @aptpricecalc = multiply(@Price__c,1)
IF @Language__c == 'German' THEN SET @aptprice = FormatNumber(v(@aptpricecalc),"N0","de-DE")
ELSEIF @Language__c == 'Spanish' THEN SET @aptprice = FormatNumber(v(@aptpricecalc),"N0","es-ES")
ELSEIF @Language__c == 'French' THEN SET @aptprice = FormatNumber(v(@aptpricecalc),"N0","fr-FR")
ELSEIF @Language__c == 'Dutch' THEN SET @aptprice = FormatNumber(v(@aptpricecalc),"N0","nl-NL")
ELSEIF @Language__c == 'English' THEN SET @aptprice = FormatNumber(v(@aptpricecalc),"N0","en-GB")
ELSEIF @Language__c == '' THEN SET @aptprice = FormatNumber(v(@aptpricecalc),"N0","en-GB")
IF @Language__c == 'German' THEN SET @currencylocale = "de-DE"
ELSEIF @Language__c == 'Spanish' THEN SET @currencylocale = "es-ES"
ELSEIF @Language__c == 'French' THEN SET @currencylocale = "fr-FR"
ELSEIF @Language__c == 'Dutch' THEN SET @currencylocale = "nl-NL"
ELSEIF @Language__c == 'English' THEN SET @currencylocale = "en-GB"
SET @dayNumber = FormatDate(@Available_From__c,"dd")
set @monthShortName = FormatDate(@Available_From__c,"MMM")