What exactly should I download?
Depending on what features you need.
How to upload it to salesforce? as a static resource? or just a folder in my project?
You can either choose to use the static resource method:
import LODASH_RESOURCE from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/lodash'
import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader'
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc'
export default class MyComponentName extends LightningElement {
async connectedCallback() {
await loadScript(this, LODASH_RESOURCE)
this._lodashLoaded = true
Or you can create a new LWC, delete the HTML file, and in the JS file, copy-paste either script from above into the file, and add one final line to your code:
export default _;
This last line allows you to import lodash directly:
import _ from 'c/lodash'
Note that you can't use the uncompressed versions, as files must not exceed 128KiB file size.
How to import it and use its functions?
Importing is discussed above. As for using it, you use it as you would without LWC:
this.users = _.sortBy(this.users, ['user','age'])
(This example is basically a modified example from the docs).
Here's a demo for you on webcomponents.dev.
"pays for itself" i.e. its benefits outweigh the learning curve for future developers then add it at that point.