When generating a CSV file with Javascript, and trying to make the file available for download locally, using the snippet below:

const blobToBase64 = (blob) => {
    const reader = new FileReader();
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        reader.onloadend = () => {

The page works fine in Classic. But in Lightning Experience I get this annoying popup saying that because of browser settings it needs permission to access the URL. When I click "open" anyway, nothing happens (expected file download, like in Classic, instead).

The URL is different from the one I see on the browser:

Section URL
Browser search bar https://company--sandboxname.sandbox.lightning.force.com/lightning/n/DynamicExportUtilityPage
Popup warning https://company--sandboxname--c.sandbox.vf.force.com

I've added the popup warning URL to CSP and CORS, but nothing happens. The browser allows popups from the address too.

Would it be possible to make this work?



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