Is there a way or any method (other than write a long helper for each object) that could initialize all objects within an object even if the JSON was not received aka:

public SomeObject objectHere;

I would want this to be automatically substantiated with an empty version of that object so when I go objectHere.id I don't have to null check the object then the field.

3 Answers 3


You can use the Safe Navigation Operator (?.) to avoid null checks:

String someValue = inputParam?.objectHere?.someProperty;

This is likely the best choice in many cases, unless you need to actually use the object for output, then you might want to go with Derek's answer.

  • wait what where have these been all my life!? I didn't know these were actually implemented I just heard ages ago that salesforce were thinking on adding them Commented Oct 21, 2021 at 15:52
  • 1
    @KarlLivesey You'd be forgiven for not knowing about them, they literally only came out just three releases ago. I actually helped fix a critical bug with it while it was in preview in Winter '21. It's helped me clean up a LOT of really ugly code. Also, you might have missed this gem as well (greater-/less-than now return false with a null value instead of throwing NullPointerException).
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Oct 21, 2021 at 15:57
  • my only other dream would be for lists it would end the for loop if null so like: for(Account Acc : AccList){ } Commented Oct 21, 2021 at 16:05

I don't believe there is a way to initialize class variables without writing code to explicitly set those variables.

That's not just a JSON deserialization thing, though JSON deserialization makes things just a bit more difficult because it doesn't run any constructors for the type you're using.

You could turn your class variables into properties and take advantage of your ability to specify a getter to do lazy initialization.

Anonymous apex example:

public class LazyLoadVars{
    public Account myAcc {
            if(myAcc == null){ myAcc = new Account(); }
            return myAcc;

LazyLoadVars llv = new LazyLoadVars();
// Also works when deserializing from JSON
//LazyLoadVars llv = (LazyLoadVars)JSON.deserialize('{}', LazyLoadVars.class);

llv.myAcc.Name = 'Success!';


I'm not sure if I would recommend such an approach, however. I get a dirty feeling when I read this that I can't quite put my finger on.

  • yeah this feels wrong =/ Commented Oct 21, 2021 at 16:07

No, there is nothing out of the box for this requirement. You'll need to roll your own initializer.

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