We are adding below code to check if Data extension is present or someone has deleted accidently , as we are fetching content ( with only one row) from DE to display on a cloudpage if someone delete it accidently there should not be 500 error , so we implemented try and catch in SSJS.

But also we need to make sure if someone clears Data from DE accidnetly then also that should capture in Try block , we tried but without any success below is the code

   <script runat=server language="JavaScript">

   var HeaderDE , HeaderDECheckRowCount ;
   HeaderDE = "DataExtension_Name";

try {
      HeaderDE = Platform.Function.LookupRows(HeaderDE,'Id','1'); /* to check DE is exist or not */ - working fine 
      HeaderDECheckRowCount = Platform.Function.rowcount(HeaderDE); /* to check DE has at least one row */  - not working 
if (HeaderD > 0)
      HeaderDEExist = true;
   HeaderDEExist = false;
catch (e) 
       HeaderDEExist = false;



We are able to check and handle if we delete DE but not able to catch if someone clear data from DE , DE has only one row

2 Answers 2


Check the Platform.Function.LookupRows documentation for an example of how to emulate a rowcount:


Essentially you just look at the result of Platform.Function.LookupRows like the array that it is, and count its elements (= you count rows).

<script runat="server">
     var dataRows = Platform.Function.LookupRows('CustomerData',['FirstName','LastName'],['Angela','Cruz']);
     if(dataRows && dataRows.length > 0) {
          for(var i=0; i<dataRows.length; i++) {

Your specific example can of course get rid of the for loop:

<script runat="server">
     var dataRows = Platform.Function.LookupRows('CustomerData',['FirstName','LastName'],['Angela','Cruz']);
     if(dataRows && dataRows.length > 0) {
          /* check for at least one record was successful, perform rest of code */

Referring to the SF page, I am afraid there is no such rowcount platform function (Platform.Function.rowcount).

You will likely need to do a Rows.Retrieve and get the length of the result array. This may help.

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