Hi i am new to salesforce, I want to create a validation rule on an Account object where Picklist field named as Ownership, I want
- that when an user enter no value means null value there should be error
- if user picks a value from picklist then it should save it means no error
- and again if user tries to change the selected picklist, he should be able to do so
- and later I want to bypass this validation rule to System Administrator Profile.
Here is this i have tried.
ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( Ownership ),"Public") ||
ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( Ownership ),"Private") ||
ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( Ownership ),"Subsidiary") ||
ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( Ownership ),"Other") ||
Untill didn't used the Check condition for blank the validation rule was working fine but now on every condition it is giving error.