I saw this question about retrieving Automation info and I can't find how to do the basic task of retrieving information about all the automations in a folder with given CategoryID (=folderID) as I made before with Data Extensions or Query Activities using
var folderQAs = QueryDefinition.Retrieve({Property:"categoryId",SimpleOperator:"equals",Value:folderID});)
or this
Is there something similar to Automations? (like this)
I got a list of all automations/journeys/unknownThings with the following code:
var cols = ["Name", "Status", "ModifiedDate", "CustomerKey", "ObjectID"
var filter = {
Property: "Status",
SimpleOperator: "IN",
Value: [-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
var list = prox.retrieve("Program", cols, filter);
for(var a = 0; a < list.Results.length; a++) {
Thank you in advance