This is exactly the same question from here: Programmatic way to switch apps?
However this solution is outdated and not working anymore. Is there any way to switch from the current selected app to another one using Lightning or APEX?
This is exactly the same question from here: Programmatic way to switch apps?
However this solution is outdated and not working anymore. Is there any way to switch from the current selected app to another one using Lightning or APEX?
Hi you can redirect to the url "/lightning/app/06m2E000000qgp1QAA". The last part is the id of the desired app.
Check the lightning/navigation that can be used both in aura/lwc
Just found out one example to navigate to a record into another app:
to get current App ID use:
String appId = [SELECT Id, AppDefinitionId FROM UserAppInfo WHERE UserId = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1].AppDefinitionId;