The Salesforce documentation for LWC datatable indicates fetchData(50) but doesn't define it. In my case I am using @wire(apexMethod) to populate the data but getting understandable error
fetchData is not defined
I'm not even clear if this has to be done completely differently given that I am using @wire for the table data with a general SELECT <Confirmations__c> WHERE...
and getting all data at once.
export default class recordTableLastMonthConfirmations extends LightningElement {
columns = columns;
@api totalNumberOfRows;
handleSave(event) {
this.saveDraftValues = event.detail.saveDraftValues;
// The method onsort event handler
onHandleSort(event) {
var fieldName = event.detail.fieldName;
var sortDirection = event.detail.sortDirection;
// assign the latest attribute with the sorted column fieldName and sorted direction
this.sortedBy = fieldName;
this.sortedDirection = sortDirection;
this.confirmations = this.sortData(fieldName, sortDirection);
// Supports infinite scrolling
loadMoreData(event) {
//Display a spinner to signal that data is being loaded = true;
//Display "Loading" when more data is being loaded
this.loadMoreStatus = 'Loading';
fetchData(50).then((confirmations) => {
if (confirmations.length >= this.totalNumberOfRows) { = false;
this.loadMoreStatus = 'No more data to load';
} else {
const currentData = this.confirmations;
//Appends new data to the end of the table
const newData = currentData.concat(confirmations);
this.confirmations = newData;
this.loadMoreStatus = '';
} = false;
The table loads fine but throws the error in scratch org and just hangs on the spinner in preview. Tried:
- fetch(confirmations)(50).then((confirmations)
- fetchConfirmations(50).then((confirmations)
Seen these sites but they are not using @wire to populate the table or slightly different issues:
- Infinite scroll in lightning datatable in LWC increments offset multiple times
- LWC lightning-datatable Infinite Scrolling Not Working
What is the proper method for the loadMoreData(event) in this case?