I have the following Apex method:

public static void createJourney(Id accountId) {
         // Step 1: get account record type
        Account accRecTypeName = [SELECT Id, RecordType.DeveloperName FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountId];
        if(accRecTypeName.RecordType?.DeveloperName == 'Patient_Account') {
            // Step 2: Create a new Patient Journey record
            List<Patient_Journey__c> patientJourney = new List<Patient_Journey__c>();
                new Patient_Journey__c(
                    Name = 'Test Patient Journey',
                    Patient__c = accRecTypeName.Id,
                    Status__c = 'Active'
            insert patientJourney;
            // Get ID of the newly inserted Patient Journey record
            for(Patient_Journey__c getPJID : patientJourney) {
                patientJourneyID = getPJID.Id; // Line 25
            // Step 3: Read records from custom metadata type 'Journey Step'
            Map<String, Journey_Step__mdt> journeyStepMD = Journey_Step__mdt.getAll();
            List<Patient_Journey_Step__c> patientJourneySteps = new List<Patient_Journey_Step__c>();

            for (String getJSteps : journeyStepMD.keySet()) {
                // Step 4: Create a new Patient Journey Step records based on 'Journey Step'
                    new Patient_Journey_Step__c(
                        Step_Name__c = journeyStepMD.get(getJSteps).Step_Name__c,
                        Order__c = journeyStepMD.get(getJSteps).Order__c,
                        Journey__c = patientJourneyID // Line 39

I want to get the Id of the newly created 'Patient_Journey__c' record. I get the following errors when saving the file:

  • Line 25: Variable does not exist: patientJourneyID
  • Line 39: Variable does not exist: patientJourneyID
  • Any specific reason to use list when inserting a single record?
    – Raul
    Commented Aug 17, 2021 at 11:07
  • I am new to Apex and don't have a good understanding of when to use and not to use List. This is how I do normally
    – MShal
    Commented Aug 17, 2021 at 11:09

2 Answers 2


Let's simplify this code a bit

// Step 1: get account record type
Account accRecTypeName = [SELECT Id, RecordType.DeveloperName FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountId];
if(accRecTypeName.RecordType?.DeveloperName != 'Patient_Account') {return;}

// Step 2: Create a new Patient Journey record
Patient_Journey__c> patientJourney = new Patient_Journey__c(
                Name = 'Test Patient Journey',
                Patient__c = accRecTypeName.Id,
                Status__c = 'Active'
insert patientJourney;
// Step 3: Read records from custom metadata type 'Journey Step'
Map<String, Journey_Step__mdt> journeyStepsByName = Journey_Step__mdt.getAll();
List<Patient_Journey_Step__c> patientJourneySteps = new List<Patient_Journey_Step__c>();

for (String jStepName : journeyStepsByName.keySet()) {
  // Step 4: Create a new Patient Journey Step records based on 'Journey Step'
          new Patient_Journey_Step__c(
              Step_Name__c = journeyStepMD.get(jStepName).Step_Name__c,
              Order__c = journeyStepMD.get(jStepName).Order__c,
              Journey__c = patientJourney.Id 
insert patientJourneySteps; 

Pro tip -- list/set variables should be named as plurals - e.g. patientJourneys; maps should be named thingsBykey e.g. journeySytepsByName; for loop iteration variable should be named to align with its type; e.g. pj instead of getPJId. Good variable names make debugging easier


You need to instantiate the patientJourneyID as string or id like this.

Id patientJourneyID;
// Get ID of the newly inserted Patient Journey record
   for(Patient_Journey__c getPJID : patientJourney) {
       patientJourneyID = getPJID.Id; // Line 25

  • I did this but it still shows me error in line 39.
    – MShal
    Commented Aug 17, 2021 at 11:10
  • 1
    Id would need to declared outside of the loop for having a proper scoping
    – Raul
    Commented Aug 17, 2021 at 11:13
  • 1
    you are right, updated the answer
    – Damecek
    Commented Aug 17, 2021 at 11:27

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