In my simple use case I am unable to get code coverage for Account and URL fields any suggestions. In the URL field I am appending string what I get from the form to the URL field. Here's the code for my apex class and test class::
public without sharing class Create_Deal{
public static string saveRecord(Deal__c itemd){
string url = '';
map<string,string> info = new map<string,string>();
List<Account> results = [SELECT id FROM Account WHERE Account_ID__c = : itemd.Seller_ID__c];
if (results.size() != 0){
itemd.Account__c = results.get(0).id;
itemd.SPM_ID__c = url + itemd.Sears_Item_SPM_or_A__c;
insert itemd;
} catch(exception e) {
private class Create_Deal_Test{
static testMethod void test_saveRecord_UseCase1(){
Account itdAct = new Account() ;
itdAct.Name = '123Cycles';
itdAct.Account_ID__c = '12332';
insert itdAct;
Deal__c itmd = new Item_Deal__c(Seller_ID__c='1234',Email__c = '[email protected]', price__c = 23211, Category__c = 'vert', Item_Description__c = 'Itemdescription' );
itmd.Account__c = itdAct.Id;
itmd.SPM_ID__c = '';
insert itmd;
) that seem to be left off the end of your first class. They should close out theif
statement, thesaveRecord
method, and the class itself. I am assuming they are actually in your original code, and they got lost in a copy/paste into the question. However, I don't like to add things like that when editing a question - just in case they were left out of your original code and are the actual cause of the problem. If it was just a typo/paste issue, you might want to edit your question to add them.