I have a VFpage that runs perfectly on the web.
I do a lot of static resource reference from another static resource. What I mean by this is, I have zipped images and javascripts and uploaded as a static resource. I refer to the images inside the static resource from my javascript. these images load on the web version but not on Salesforce1 app. ( Google developer console throws this notification)
Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type application/zip: "https://c.ap1.visual.force.com/resource/1412349895678/MyResources3?isdtp=p1/img/Rose.png"
Here is a code sample For example: My Static resource looks like this:
| |--Jasmine.jpg
| |--Rose.jpg
| |--image_load.js
My Visualforce code is
<apex:page >
<td id="flower_page"></td>
My Javascript code is
$("#flower_page").html( "<div class=\"img-flower\"><img src=\""+resourceId+"/"+ Rose.jpg + "\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" /></div>" );
This would emit the following code.
<td id="flower_page">
<div class="img-flower">
<img src="/resource/1412387865123/MyStaticResource/img/Rose.jpg" width="50" height="50" />
I use jquerymobile so that the app looks appropriate on a mobile device.
I read this article and tried using data-src, but didnot work.
Any help is appreciated.