When I try to insert a call link to an Article with this:

<a href="tel:+18475555555">1-847-555-5555</a>

On save, it converts automatically to

<a href="" target="_blank">1-847-555-5555</a>

this is causing issue to add support for directly start a call from articles

  • 2
    as usual, Salesforce support responded with article: help.salesforce.com/… and so, 'tel:' as link is not supported. Its surprising that a CMS does not support all tags!
    – ipradhansk
    Jul 26, 2021 at 12:41
  • may as well add that as the accepted answer. Can include this idea that has a comment from the product manager about improving the rich text editor (unsure if that would entail supporting this protocol). Jul 26, 2021 at 17:37
  • 12 years and the idea is still open with close to 14k points! just added my +10 there. thanks for the suggestion @KrisGoncalves
    – ipradhansk
    Jul 29, 2021 at 17:07


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