Hope I can explain this right.
I would like to request assistance on how can I disable the submit button on the Cloud page form after submitting a duplicate email in which the email address is set as the Primary Key.
Here is my Amp script code in the Cloud page
Set @EMAIL= RequestParameter ('EMAIL')
Set @FIRSTNAME= RequestParameter ('FIRSTNAME')
Set @LASTNAME= RequestParameter ('LASTNAME')
On my data extension, I set EMAIL as the Primary Key.
EMAIL relates to subscriber on Subscriber Key
When I answered the Email (value of email = [email protected]), First name and Last name field on the form (Cloud page) it will submit.
Then I answered again the form (Cloud page) using the same values (value of email = [email protected]) it will still submit.
When I look on the Data Extension of the form, there is one value which is [email protected] email address in which I answered the form twice using the same address.
What I want is, when I answered the form for the second time using the same email address the submit button will be disabled
(Because there is already an EMAIL = [email protected] value on the Data Extension from the first submission of the form)