In SFMC Automation Studio, the automation can either be scheduled or file drop and will execute a set of activities.
Let's say that I have 5 Steps (horizontal) and the first step has 3 activities (vertical).
I know that each horizontal step has to be success in order for it to proceed to the next and complete all 5 steps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
What I am wondering is about the vertical steps (1.1, 1.2, 1.3);
- Do they run in parallel or sequentially?
- If one of the steps fails, will the others still proceed in the same vertical step group?
- If one of the steps fails, how does it determine if it will move onto the next horizontal step?
Is there any way to add a dynamic verification step which only deletes the source file in the event of success or failure?
Thank you.