I have a community, added dashboard component to the page and retrieved it. Then when I try to deploy it I receive following error:
Warning unpackaged/experiences/Partner_Portal1 Partner_Portal1 The recordId property of component fdd62e49-579e-4b8c-a678-0efcf9dee728 references an object with the ID value 01Z4M000000oVynUAE. Occasionally, when deployed to a destination org, ID values can become invalid—for example, if the referenced ID doesn’t exist in the destination org. If you encounter component issues in your destination org, verify that the ID values are correct.
I've investigated a bit, when I add dashboard component following changes are made in force-app/main/default/Community/experiences/Partner_Portal1/views/home.json file: "components" : [ { "componentAttributes" : { "height" : "485", "recordId" : "01Z4M000000oVynUAE" }, "componentName" : "forceCommunity:dashboard", "id" : "dd5821dd-f146-41e3-83dc-72f2dfeb15e4", "renditionMap" : { }, "type" : "component" } ],
Does anyone faced with the same problem?