I am trying to retrieve a NotSentEvent using the SOAP API. The response I get back from ExactTarget is a timeout message.

I am wondering if there is some better filtering that I can do, besides just a date range and subscriber key, that will allow my results to come back?

Here is my message:

    <ns0:Filter xsi:type="ns0:ComplexFilterPart">
      <ns0:LeftOperand xsi:type="ns0:SimpleFilterPart">
        <ns0:Value>[email protected]</ns0:Value>
      <ns0:RightOperand xsi:type="ns0:SimpleFilterPart">

And the response from ET:

<RetrieveResponseMsg xmlns="http://exacttarget.com/wsdl/partnerAPI">
  <OverallStatus>Error: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.</OverallStatus>

1 Answer 1


It seems that I can get a response by filtering based on SendID or Client.ID.

Here are the examples:


      <ns0:Filter xsi:type="ns0:SimpleFilterPart">

Client.ID (The accounts MID)

      <ns0:Filter xsi:type="ns0:SimpleFilterPart">

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