I had two custom objects Organization__c (parent) and Employee__c (child) which were related using lookup relation ship [lookup:orgnitation__c].

fields for Organization__c: name, total_slary__c, min_salary__c,max_salary__c

fields for employee__c: Salary__c

Now for example, if i have records like

EmployeeAutoNumber ---------Organization Name------Salary__c


how can i write a trigger to update the min_salary__c or max_salary__c in organization__c based on the salaried of the respective organization? In the above example the min_salary__C for H.R organization is 25 and max_salary__c is 200.How can i update in the HR organization using triggers ?

  • Is this for DEV501 assessment? Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 9:59
  • No @user320 i dont believe 501 assesments will not be such simple as this :) Commented Apr 28, 2014 at 10:03

3 Answers 3


I changed my trigger like this to make it work for both insert and delete.

trigger rollupTrigger on Employee__c (after insert, after update, after delete) 
    Set<Id> orgIds = new Set<Id>();
    List< Organization__c> updates = new List<Organization__c>();
    Employee__c[] emp = null;

        emp = Trigger.new;
    else if(Trigger.isDelete)
        emp = Trigger.old;

    for (Employee__c e : emp) 
        if(e.Organization__c != null)

    for (AggregateResult ar : [select Organization__c i, sum(Salary__c) su, 
        min(Salary__c) mi, max(Salary__c) ma,count(id) ids from employee__c 
        where Organization__c in :orgIds group by Organization__c])
        updates.add(new Organization__c(Id = (Id)ar.get('i'),
            totalsalary__c = (Decimal)ar.get('su'),min_salary__c = (Decimal)ar.get('mi'),
            max_salary__c = (Decimal)ar.get('ma'),total_emp_in_org__c = (Decimal)ar.get('ids')));

    update updates;
trigger EmployeeTrigger1 on Employee__c (after insert,after update,after delete,after undelete)
    list<Organization__c> Orgvalues = new list<Organization__c>();
    set<ID> ORGIds = new set<ID>();
    map<id,Decimal> Sumvalues= new map<id,Decimal>();
    map<id,Decimal> MinValues= new map<id,Decimal>();
    map<id,Decimal> Maxvalues= new map<id,Decimal>();

    if(trigger.isinsert || trigger.isupdate || trigger.isundelete)
        for(Employee__c Emprecords:trigger.new)
    if(trigger.isdelete || trigger.isupdate)
         for(Employee__c Emprecords1:trigger.new)
    list<AggregateResult > Outputvalues = [select Organization__c Acc,sum(Salary__c) Sumdata,min(Salary__c) MIndata,Max(Salary__c) Maxdata from Employee__c where Organization__c IN:ORGIds group by Organization__c];
    for(AggregateResult Ar:Outputvalues)

    for(Organization__c acc1:[select id,Name,Max_Salary__c,Min_Value__c,Sum_Of_Salary__c from Organization__c where ID IN:ORGIds])
       acc1.Sum_Of_Salary__c = Sumvalues.get(acc1.ID);
       acc1.Min_Value__c = MinValues.get(acc1.ID);
       acc1.Max_Salary__c = Maxvalues.get(acc1.ID);

    update Orgvalues;

Trigger Handler:

public class EmployeeTriggerHandler {
    public static void handler(List<Employee__c> emp) {
        Set<Id> empIds = new Set<Id>();
        List< Account> lacc = new List<Account>(); 
        List<Account> alis=new List<Account>();
        for (Employee__c e : emp) {
            if(e.Account__c != null)
        for (AggregateResult ar : [select Account__c i, max(Salary__c) ma from Employee__c where Account__c in :empIds group by Account__c]) {
            lacc.add(new Account(Id = (Id)ar.get('i'), max_salary__c = (Decimal)ar.get('ma'))); 
        update lacc;  
        for(Account a:[select id,max_salary__c,Costly_Employee_name__c,(select Name,Salary__c,Account__c from Employees__r) from Account where id in :empIds]) {                    
            for(Employee__c e:a.Employees__r) {   
                if(a.max_salary__c==e.Salary__c) {
        update alis;              
  • Trigger handler for the trigger. Here the parent's field is updated by the child field's value based on the salary field of employee who has maximum salary in the child record.
    – Ult
    Commented Mar 10, 2020 at 9:29
  • Welcome to SFSE. Please take some time to read How to Answer. We look for answers to provide explanation, not just code. The answers on this very old, and long-since solved, post are not great examples of our format.
    – David Reed
    Commented Mar 10, 2020 at 13:06
  • I'm not sure where the Costly_Employee_name__c piece came from, since it's not in the question, but it is implemented in a rather inefficient way. The for loop can be replaced by a subquery filter or ORDER BY.
    – David Reed
    Commented Mar 10, 2020 at 13:07

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