Re: This is a duplicate question: At best is a related question, not a duplicate. The other question has nothing to do with comparing Salesforce's account of data within and outside of its system. Which is to say, "this question has NOT been asked before and already has an answer." Posted a question to meta on the topic of this question being a dup here.
Question: Been playing around with the weekly exports, and noticed something a bit off - that being the size of the "Weekly Export" is roughly 60-MB, but the admin report for "Data Storage" roughly states 220-MB is being used. Why is the size of "Weekly Export" much smaller than the "Data Storage" size being reported?
List of 81 CSV files and filesize retrieved from the single zipfile from the weekly export:
(Storage,Record Count): Filename
- (25305KB,37921): Contact
- (18097KB,37921): Account
- (12415KB,37921): npo02__Household__c
- (5495KB,38013): EntityHistory
- (21KB,92): npe5__Affiliation__c
- (13KB,18): User
- (9KB,96): FieldHistory
- (4KB,38): FeedFieldHistory
- (3KB,9): RecordType
- (2KB,9): UserRole
- (2KB,0): Opportunity
- (1KB,0): AccountContactRole , Announcement , Approval , Asset , Attachment , bde__Batch__c , BusinessProcess , Campaign , CampaignMember , CanvasFeedItem , Case , CaseComment , CaseContactRole , CaseHistory2 , CaseSolution , ContentContent , ContentReference , ContentVersion , Contract , ContractContactRole , Document , EmailDisclaimer , EmailRoutingAddress , Endorsement , EntitySubscription , Event , EventRelation , FeedComment , FeedPost , FeedTrackedChange , FileFieldData , FiscalYearSettings , Idea , IdeaComment , InboundSocialPost , JigsawSavedSearch , Lead , MatchingInformation , MetricsTransmissionHistory , NewsFeed , Note , NotifDeliveryUserPref , npe01__OppPayment__c , npe03__Recurring_Donation__c , npe4__Relationship__c , npe4__Relationship_Error__c , OpportunityCompetitor , OpportunityContactRole , OpportunityHistory , OpportunityLineItem , OrgWideEmailAddress , Partner , Period , Pricebook2 , PricebookEntry , ProcessInstance , ProcessInstanceStep , ProcessInstanceWorkitem , Product2 , PushIntent , PushProfileMapping , RichTextAreaFieldData , SocialPersona , Solution , SystemStreamingChannel , Task , TaskRelation , TopicGroupActivity , TopicUserActivity , TrendingTopic
List of Storage Usage via Salesforce:
Record Type_(Record Count,Storage)
- Accounts_(37921,74.1MB)
- Contacts_(37921,74.1MB)
- Households_(37921,74.1MB)
- Affiliations_(92,184KB)
- Relationship Lookup_(20,40KB)
- Relationship Settings_(1,2KB)
- Recurring Donations Settings_(1,2KB)
- BulkDataEntry_(1,2KB)
- Batch Data Entry Config_(1,2KB)
- Affiliations Settings_(1,2KB)
- Households Settings_(1,2KB)
- Contacts And Orgs Settings_(1,2KB)
- Relationships_(0,0 B)
- Payments_(0,0 B)
- Opportunities_(0,0 B)
- Recurring Donations_(0,0 B)
- Campaign Members_(0,0 B)
- Leads_(0,0 B)
- Campaigns_(0,0 B)
- Batches_(0,0 B)