I'm doing a tutorial on communities, and after setting pages and themes, i wanted to add users. When i try to setup the user, i get this message: "Looks like this portal user is not a member of a experience".
The access is made from the contact object, so the related user has this configuration:
Profile = Customer Community User
Active = true
when in the community layout, i went to top ledt corner, with my system Administrator user, and all the buttons: Builder, moderation, Administration, take me to a login page. I tried with my user, but the password is invalid, so i guess that means i should either use this community user, or adding my own to that community.
I also seen you can do this adding permission settings, so i activate the ones i could find related:
View Content in Portals
Manage Users
Manage Customer Users
The configured expedience is there, and i can open the builder link
on the top-left button, i can click on Builder, wich takes me to the to where i can edit Themes and pages. That works well
But all the buttons below take to this url:
this be a security risk? well, its a developer org...)
http://[site URL]/darthdaderiscool/login?ec=302&inst=5J&startURL=%2Fdarthvaderiscool%2FcommunitySetup%2FcwApp.app%23/c/page/dashboardManagementHome
site URL = the same i find in the setup > Sites > All sites
darthvaderiscool = url of that community
url parameters = url parameter that follow, i show them bellow (would showing
All those 6 links take me to this same login page:
I'm using classic, and its a developer org. The result is exacty the same, with classic and Lightning. So, if adding users to a community is done in that Administrator link, and to that i need to access the community, with a community User, this is a circular problem. How can i add any user that user to the community?