I'm a bit stuck, but in my defense, I'm passing a kidney stone and not thinking clearly. Words cannot describe the pain.
I have a Visualforce page that opens in a newly created object record. One version will be the standard Contacts object while the other will be a custom object, payment__c.
What I'm pasting below works fine when it has the proper credentials in place. However, I'm missing the reference to the record I'm opening it from. I've tried doing this using a list function but I must be putting it in the wrong location, or I shouldn't be using a list function at all.
I've spent 2 days messing with this going through Salesforce documentation and developer forums looking for an answer.
Issue Summary -
- Instead of passing the field value in the initialvalue string, it's passing the text.
- Update - @Derek pointed out that I was trying to use Merged Expressions which don't work in Apex
- When adding the List Function below into the Apex, it queried the object but was giving me an entire list of all records instead of the values from the record I was on.
List Function (that I can't figure out where/how to put it into the Apex Class so I've pulled it out entirely)
List<Payment__c> records = [
SELECT Id, Name, Amount__c
FROM Payment__c
Controller This controller makes an external call out to, first authenticate, and then initiate a session with that external service. In this example, I'm opening the VF page from a Payment__c record. So I need to pass the ID, Name, and Amount__c to the external service as part of the "initialvalues" that you'll see around line 51.
public class authRequestGenericV2 {
public string actionURL {get;set;}
public string access_token{get;set;}
public authRequestGenericV2(){
public pageReference testMethodd(){
return null;
public Void startTest(){
String authUrl = 'actualAuthurl';
String client_id = 'actualClientId';
String client_secret = 'actualClientSecret';
String tenantname = 'actualTenantName';
String username = 'acutalusername';
String grant_type = 'actualClientCredentials';
String platform = 'actualPlatform';
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
String payload= 'grant_type=' +EncodingUtil.urlEncode(grant_type, 'UTF-8')+'&client_id=' +EncodingUtil.urlEncode(client_id, 'UTF-8')+'&client_secret=' +EncodingUtil.urlEncode(client_secret, 'UTF-8')+'&tenantname=' +EncodingUtil.urlEncode(tenantname, 'UTF-8')+'&username=' +EncodingUtil.urlEncode(username, 'UTF-8');
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
// Parse the JSON response
if (response.getStatusCode() != 200){
System.debug('The status code returned was not expected: ' +response.getStatusCode() + ' ' + response.getStatus());
} else {
AccessToken tokenObj = (AccessToken)JSON.deserialize(response.getBody(), AccessToken.Class);
access_token = tokenObj.access_token;
String session_req_url = 'actual_session_req_url';
// Session Request
Http sessionHttp = new Http();
HttpRequest sessionRequest = new HttpRequest();
sessionRequest.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
sessionRequest.setHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
sessionRequest.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + tokenObj.access_token);
String session_request_body = '{"FlowId":actualNumericValue,"InitialValues":{"paymentID": "{Payment__c.Name}", "Amount": "{Payment__c.Amount__c}", "SFID": "{Payment__c.Id}"}';
HttpResponse sessionResponse = sessionHttp.send(sessionRequest);
// Parse the session JSON response
if (response.getStatusCode() != 200){
System.debug('The session status code returned was not expected: ' +response.getStatusCode() + ' ' + response.getStatus());
} else {
// Parse entire JSON response.
String sessionjsonStr = sessionResponse.getBody();
System.debug('::::::: Response::' + sessionjsonStr);
sessionjsonStr = sessionjsonStr.replace('"Id"','"Idd"');
system.debug(':::sessionjsonStr:::' + sessionjsonStr);
ResponseResult resultObj =(ResponseResult)JSON.deserialize(sessionjsonStr, ResponseResult.Class);
system.debug(':::resultObj.Id' + resultObj.Idd );
system.debug(':::resultObj.LinkId' + resultObj.LinkId );
actionURL = 'https://baseActionURL' + resultObj.Idd + '/framed';
public class AccessToken{
public string access_token{get;set;}
Public class ResponseResult{
public string Idd{get;set;}
public string LinkId{get;set;}
VisualForce Page that is an embedded iframe
<apex:page controller="authRequestGenericV2">
<iframe name="embeddedframe" src="about:blank" style="height:800px; width:600px; border-style:unset;"></iframe>
<form action="{!actionURL}" id="initForm" target="embeddedframe" method="POST">
<input name="X-BEARER-TOKEN" value="{!access_token}" type="hidden"> </input>
<input name="X-REFRESH-TOKEN" value="{refresh_token}" type="hidden"> </input>
String session_request_body
line really have references toPayment__c.Name
? If so, the issue is that 1) you don't define/initialize aPayment__c
varable. 2) Variable names cannot contain two (or more) consecutive underscores. 3) "Merge Field" syntax like{!thing}
doesn't work in Apex (Apex doesn't have string interpolation/expansion like, say, Bash).