I have a class that uses ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.getFeedElementsFromFeed
and from the result page I extract the mentioned users.
This is working as intended but now I have to create a test for this and I can't figure out how to prepare a FeedElementPage containing a FeedItem that has a body with a mention.
Here is what I have
ConnectApi.FeedItem feedItem = new ConnectApi.FeedItem();
ConnectApi.FeedBody body = new ConnectApi.FeedBody();
body.messageSegments = new List<ConnectApi.MessageSegment>();
ConnectApi.TextSegment text1 = new ConnectApi.TextSegment();
text1.text = 'Hi {';
ConnectApi.MentionSegment mention = new ConnectApi.MentionSegment();
mention.name = bob.FirstName + ' ' + bob.LastName;
//mention.record = ; <====== no idea how to setup
ConnectApi.TextSegment text2 = new ConnectApi.TextSegment();
text1.text = '}, have you finished testing?';
((ConnectApi.FeedElement) feedItem).body = body;
I cannot find a way to populate the record which is a ConnectApi.ActorWithId object.