Iam trying to create a validation rule for specific profile access to create or edit in account related contacts in validation rule

my code in validation rule at account object

AND( NOT( $Profile.Name = 'Marketing'), AND( ISNEW(), ISPICKVAL(Assigned_Status__c, 'Press')))

  • If you want to control "Contacts", you'll need to create the validation rule in the Contact Object. Furthermore, this will control creation and edits, but it won't control deletions. (And don't forget to add the System Administrator in case you want them to be able to do so) Commented Mar 2, 2021 at 10:55
  • Hi Sergio Alcocer thanks for your prompt reply, I have my picklist field Assigned_Status__c in the Account Object and I have to control the Account Related contacts ,As you said how to handle this particular picklist Assigned_Status__c in the contact object Commented Mar 2, 2021 at 11:43

1 Answer 1


As mentioned on the comments, you'll need to control that on Contact level. Something like the code below should be ok

    $Profile.Name != 'Marketing',
    ISPICKVAL(Account.Assigned_Status__c, 'Press')

Keep in mind that as I said on the comments, this will prevent anyone from creating / editing Contacts with that status, but it will not prevent someone to delete them.

Also consider if you want to add the System Administration as exception (besides Marketing)

  • Thank you Sergio Alcocer,Its working Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 4:23

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