Q: Why are these stages showing? I only want "Gain Commitment" and "Lost-Closed". enter image description here

  • My Record in question's RecordType is set to "Lost-CLosed"

enter image description here

  • "Lost-Closed" Recordtype uses a SalesProcess Called "Lost-Closed Process"
  • "Lost-Closed Process" Salesprocess has only 2 stages "Gain Commitment" and "Lost-Closed".

enter image description here

I expect only the 2 stages (Gain C... and Lost-...) to show in the SalesProcess Widget, 1 open stage and 1 closed stage, with Lost-Closed set. Simple, yet I get all the other rubbish stages. Surely this has got to be a Salesforce bug; If it is I will escalate it. But for now checking if I am missing something.

please don't tell me to deactivate the extra stages, no, they are relevant for other processes on other recordtypes, just not on Lost-Closed.

As a side: Bugs I have found this week: Recordtypes cannot be named the same as a SalesProcess (vice versa) otherwise they do not retrieve or deploy properly.

1 Answer 1


The Sales process is just to configure the picklist values that should be available for specific record type.

The widget you are looking is called Sales Path, refer this trailhead module for configuring the opportunity stages in a Sales Path.

  • Sales Paths are not turned on. This is the standard path for the recordtype, there is no different info required for each stage (in the main there isn't) That said I can see a small amount of value in using sales paths. Commented Mar 1, 2021 at 9:26

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