Q: Why are these stages showing? I only want "Gain Commitment" and "Lost-Closed".
- My Record in question's RecordType is set to "Lost-CLosed"
- "Lost-Closed" Recordtype uses a SalesProcess Called "Lost-Closed Process"
- "Lost-Closed Process" Salesprocess has only 2 stages "Gain Commitment" and "Lost-Closed".
I expect only the 2 stages (Gain C... and Lost-...) to show in the SalesProcess Widget, 1 open stage and 1 closed stage, with Lost-Closed set. Simple, yet I get all the other rubbish stages. Surely this has got to be a Salesforce bug; If it is I will escalate it. But for now checking if I am missing something.
please don't tell me to deactivate the extra stages, no, they are relevant for other processes on other recordtypes, just not on Lost-Closed.
As a side: Bugs I have found this week: Recordtypes cannot be named the same as a SalesProcess (vice versa) otherwise they do not retrieve or deploy properly.