I created an account on code@exacttarget that provides a client id and secret, but i don't get how i can use that to then access an account on mc.exacttarget.com.
I'm trying to use the Fuel SDK (ruby gem) to perform a triggered send that has been defined on the mc.exacttarget.com account.
Here's the relevant code
client = FuelSDK::Client.new(client: { 'id': 'my id', 'secret': 'my secret' }
triggered_send = FuelSDK::TriggeredSend.new
triggered_send.authStub = client
triggered_send.props = ["CustomerKey", "Name", "TriggeredSendStatus"]
triggered_send.filter = {'Property' => 'CustomerKey','SimpleOperator' => 'equals','Value' => 'my customer key'}
what am i missing?