The error message indicates that you attempted to use a 'dot' to retrieve a value that doesn't exist.
trigger BusinessDivisionOpportunity on Opportunity (before insert)
Map<String, String> myPickListMap = Constants.businessDivisionMap;
for (Opportunity o :
// the .get() from the map will retrieve the value associated with the key
// which is your accountId. The value returned (based on the way your map
// is defined (<string, string>) will be a string value.
// So, your code is attempting to retrieve a field named Business_Division__c
// from a string, which can't be done.
// o.Business_Division__c = myPickListMap.get(o.AccountId).Business_Division__c;
// try this - it presumes that the value in the map is the "business division"
o.Business_Division__c = myPickListMap.get(o.AccountId);
It seems that what you're trying to accomplish is to just copy some data from the parent Account onto the Opportunity. This can most easily and simply be accomplished using a workflow rule that executes on new Opportunity records and performs a field update on the record using the relationship to the parent Account.
Unless there's some complicated logic in the Constants
class for determination of those business division values, a workflow field update might be a far simpler solution. Edit: It's not simpler in this case. A second answer added with caveats.
Alternatively, if this is the scenario (copy the field data from the parent account) that you are trying to accomplish must be done via trigger - my implementation would begin like this:
trigger BusinessDivisionOpportunity on Opportunity (before insert) {
// collect the account ID values from these opportunities
Set<Id> relatedAccountIdSet = new Set<Id>();
for (Opportunity o : {
if (o.AccountId != null) {
// query the Account details
Map<Id, Account> relatedAccountsMap = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id
, Business_Division__c
FROM Account
WHERE Id IN :relatedAccountIdSet]);
// set the business division on the opportunity based on what's in the field on the account
for (Opportunity o : {
if (o.AccountId == null) {
continue; // skip to the next opportunity in the list
Account parentAccount = relatedAccountsMap.get(o.AccountId);
o.Business_Division__c = parentAccount.Business_Division__c;