I have created one Lightning application which has form with lightning checkboxes and lightning input. The application has salesOrderId
which is field of SBQQ__Quote__c(Quote)
object. I have Use Template picklist which fetch's all the email templates based on folder name. when user selects any of the templates it gets the Body & Subject from Email template and display's on the lightning application.
Now Subject & Body are rendered with merged fields and I need to show data instead of merge fields. So till now I know that we can read entire string and break merge fields and separate object & fields, but I need to get data from Quote object which has lookup to Contact, Account & Opportunity all merge fields used below. Breaking merge fields would only give me Account=>Name not the lookup field name on Quote.
So is it possible to display data from SBQQ__Quote__c(Quote)
using Merge fields. Hard part would be to get lookup relationship field names from Quote object with given Merge fields.