Salesforce doc states when you delete an Account, its children orders are deleted

But: If you do this in an org with a real Account and a draft Order, when you delete the Account, you get this error:

Your attempt to delete MyAccount could not be completed 
because it is associated with the following orders.: 00433894

So, for sake of argument, let's assume the doc is wrong

Now, here is where it gets weird...

Consider an APEX testmethod that deletes an Org Account w/ Order

@IsTest (SeeAllData=true)
static void testAccountDeleteWithOrgOrder() {
    Database.DeleteResult[] results = 
       Database.delete(new List<Account> {new Account(Id='0016300000eqXLkAAM')},false);

The delete fails (just like a delete from the UI) with results showing:

    getMessage=Your attempt to delete 1563488920160 could not be completed 
    because it is associated with the following orders.: 00433894

Same thing as above happens if you run the Database.delete code in anonymous Apex.

But if your testmethod mocks the Accounts and child Order (as one would normally do)

static void testAccountDeleteWithMockOrder() {

    Account a = new Account(Name = 'mockAccount');
    insert a;

    Order o = new Order(AccountId = a.Id, EffectiveDate = Date.today(), Status = 'Draft');
    insert o;

    Database.DeleteResult[] results = Database.delete(new List<Account> {a},false);

Here, in the testmethod with mocked Accounts and Orders, the delete succeeds !?!


Why doesn't the testmethod (V50) behave the same as PROD (also V50)?

1 Answer 1


Why is this important? Well, if you're writing a testmethod that is attempting to test partial success saves on Account deletion, you can't just mock Accounts and draft Orders, you need a different technique to get the partial save success.

Things I tried:

Action Result
Adding OrderItems to the mocked Order Account still deletes 😞
Adding Assets to the Account Account still deletes 😞
Activating the Order Account fails to delete 😊 ; partial save success can be tested!
Adding a Case to the Account Account fails to delete 😊 ; partial save success can be tested!

Note that activating an Order requires the Order to have OrderItems.

So, the simplest solution is probably to mock a Case as child to the Account

static void testAccountDeleteWithMockCase() {

  Account a = new Account(Name = 'mockAccount', RecordTypeId = Accounts.ID_RT_B2C);
  insert a;

  Case cs = new Case(AccountId = a.Id);
  insert cs;

  Database.DeleteResult[] results = Database.delete(new List<Account> {a},false);

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