I know this question is duplicate of the following: Hide Standard Page Header in Custom Lightning App page.
The problem is that the solution of creating a static resource and using it in the LWC stopped working for me overnight. Until a few days ago it worked perfectly.
My code is the following:
Static Resource:
header.flexipageHeader.slds-page-header.uiBlock.oneAnchorHeader {
display: none !important;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StaticResource xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
import NoHeader from "@ salesforce / resourceUrl / NoHeader";
import {loadStyle} from "lightning / platformResourceLoader";
connectedCallback () {
loadStyle (this, NoHeader);
I know that if I put Lightning_Tab in the LWC XML and creating a Lightning Component Tab this problem is corrected, but I need a solution like the static resource because I need the tab to reload when I return to it from another tab and this does not happen with the lightning components tabs.
Has a Salesforce update affected this solution? Because the code is still the same as before, but it no longer works.
Thanks a lot.