We have built a custom functionality where we used call out from aura component the response size is (5.2 MB) which is under limit of 6 MB for synchronous Apex .There after we have parsed the response (Json format) and no error occurred in scratch org . But when we deploy this code component in packaging org with same call out response with same size(5.2 MB) when the same parsing logic execute we get "Heap size " error. is this platform limitation or any technical limitation .

public static returnType methodName(String accountId,String programId){
    String tokendll = accessToken;
    Http http = new Http();
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
    String requestEndPoint = endpoint for API call;
    request.setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_JSON);
    request.setHeader(AUTHORIZATION, BEARER + tokendll );
    HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
    String status = String.valueOf( response.getstatusCode());
    Wrapperclass wrapperVal = Wrapperclass.parse(response.getBody());  // from here we are getting “Heap size “ 
    List<Wrapperclass.data> returnValue = new List<Wrapperclass.data>();
    if( status == SUCCESS_CODE ) {            
        returnValue = wrapperVal.data;
    return returnValue;

public class Wrapperclass {
public List<Data> data;    
public String message {get; set;}
public Integer statusCode {get; set;}
public class Data {
    public String id;
    public String name;
    public String feild1;
    public String field2;
    public String field3;
    public String field4;
    public String mfdate;
    public Price lp;
    public List<FProducts> Productlist;
public class FProducts {
    public String id;
    public String url;
public class Price {
    public Double default_Z {get; set;}
    public String defaultPercentageOf {get; set;}
    public String minPercentageOf {get; set;}      

public static Wrapperclass parse(String json) {
    return (Wrapperclass) System.JSON.deserialize(json, Wrapperclass.class);


1 Answer 1


You can scatter System.debug(Limits.getHeapSize()) calls in your code to see what the platform's count is. Remember the heap could end up holding both the text form of the message and the parsed version of the message so likely at least x2 the message size. And you may have pulled other data onto the heap.

As I understand it, the limits are not always enforced in non-production environments so those environments can AFAIK give a false sense of security.

Worth always having lots of headroom e.g. only use 50% of a governor limit as sizes/numbers typically vary a bit and apparently random and occasional failures are a pain to diagnose.

  • Hi Keith C thanks for reply . I have resolved this issue using pagination concept which api response support.
    – Somnath
    Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 12:32

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