We have 2 custom objects Certificate_of_Insurance__c and Policy_Section__c and there is a lookup to Policy_Section__c field "HPL_Policy_Section__c". Trying to write a trigger to populate lookup field HPL_Policy_Section__c on Certificate_of_Insurance__c object based on SOQL list. I'm getting a compile error Variable does not exist: cert at line 15 column 40
trigger UpdateHPI on Certificate_of_Insurance__c (before insert) {
Set<id>ids=new set<id>();
list<Policy_Section__c> Pl =new list<Policy_Section__c>();
for(Certificate_of_Insurance__c cert:trigger.new){
list<Policy_Section__c> NewPL=[select id,name, Policy_Number__c from Policy_Section__c where HPL_COI_Policy_Section__c= TRUE AND Campus_Text__c = 'RUMC' AND id in:ids limit 1];
for(Policy_Section__c policy: NewPL){
for(Certificate_of_Insurance__c bd: trigger.new){
policy.HPL_Policy_Section__c= cert.id; // this is where I'm getting compile error
update Pl;
will only be available within foreach {-}. You need to refactor your code. You can eliminate nested loops as well.