Last year, Salesforce seems to have released videos of Chris Barry's DEV501 level Apex developer training through iTunes.

It sounds like these would be a valuable update to the videos from 2009. However, they seem to no longer be available through iTunes, and I can't find them on other sites either.

Does anyone know if they are available elsewhere ?



  • Did anyone downloaded the videos before it being removed.If so please upload in youtube so that it will be useful to everyone
    – sfdc
    Commented Apr 23, 2014 at 18:35

2 Answers 2


Why not ask Barry himself on twitter? https://twitter.com/BarryForce

Or you can ask Salesforce University on twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SalesforceU

They should both be able to help you out.


It looks like they have removed the training videos.Please find the link

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